Karvian Vuokratalot rents terraced houses in Karvia

Contact information

Real estate company Karvian Vuokratalot

Property manager Soile Ala-Kantti
050 577 0819
Tyyni Tuulion Katu 1
39930 Karvia


Caretaker, during weekdays from 8 am to 16 pm, 044 772 7530

At other times, the caretaker is on call and can be reached by phone at 040 833 2946.



Kaija Kangas

Residents’ representatives

Rauni Virtanen

Jyrki Koivumäki
Olavi Visuri

Municipal government representative

Tuire Huhdanmäki

Billing information

Real estate company Karvian Vuokratalot
Business ID: 1534594-1
Address for e-invoices: 003715345941

Broker ID: 003714377140

Operator: Ropo capital

If you are unable to use e-invoicing, we ask that you submit any invoices as PDF files to the email address info@yrityspalveluitu.fi.

If you prefer to use printed invoices, our invoicing address is:


Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Karvian Vuokratalot
C/O Yrityspalvelu ITU
Tyyni Tuulion Katu 1
39930 Karvia

Contact form

Are you looking for a rental home? Do you want to book a sauna time slot or rent a parking space? Do you want to end your lease? Do you have questions or concerns about your living environment? Whatever questions you may have, you can always contact us using this form.

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